Ideals® Cleanse Fruit & Veggie Wash

Ideals® Cleanse Fruit & Veggie Wash


  • 500ml
Features & Benefits
  • Advanced green technology to extract minerals and plant-based ingredients that effectively remove toxins, pesticides and dirt from vegetables and break down waxy stains from fruits.
  • Enhances the freshness and storage shelf life.
  • Food-grade cleanser that is water-based and free of fragrance, chlorine, solvent, colorants, and corrosive agents, leaves absolutely no aftertaste.
  • Instantly removes toxins and dirt from vegetables and waxy stains from fruits, ensuring they are safe for consumption.
  • Reduces exposure to pesticides.
  • Preserves the nutritional value.
  • Reduces spoilage and wastage.
  • Readily biodegradable, reducing harm to the environment.
Uses / Application
  • Fruit & Vege.
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